A dialogue between two friends to arrange a programme on mobile phone for an outing

    Nayan Hello! Sujon!, I am Noor speaking to your on mobile phone.

    Sujon : How are you?
    Nayan : I am fine and you?
    Sujon : Al-Humdu-Lillah
    Nayan : Do you have some spare time in the last week of July?
    Sujon : Why not. But what is your purpose to ask me about spare time?
    Nayan : I was wandering here and there after examination. An idea of visit to Murree came in to my mind and I want your company.
    Sujon : It is good idea to spend our spare time but I have visited Murree many times. Why should we not go to Gilgit?
    Nayan : But I cannot stay in Gilgit for more than two weeks. Because my uncle is coming here at the end of this month.
    Sujon Ok. We will go for two weeks. When will we go?
    Nayan : Next Monday would be suitable for this visit.
    Sujon : No. we should go on Sunday.
    Nayan : No. I have an urgent piece of work on Sunday.
    Sujon : Can't you do you work before Sunday?
    Nayan : Alright, I promise to do it.
    Sujon : O.K.
    Nayan : How much money should we take?
    Sujon We should have twenty thousand Rupee at least.
    Nayan : This money may be less.
    Sujon : Do not worry at all. I shall arrange the whole program-me in this money.
    Nayan : Goodbye.
    Sujon : Goodbye.