A dialogue between two friends about robbery
    Nadia : Oh!
    Khalid : What fools we were!
    Nadia : To think of it! All my old silver! It meant so much to me.
    Khalid And my new car. To think that he simply drove off with everything in my car. That's what hurts me most.
    Nadia What's so terrible too is the fools we've made of ourselves.
    Khalid : I hardly dare call the police. They'll just laugh at us.
    Nadia I'll never get over it. Oh, Khalid it was all so unnecessary. That man! How could he do this to us after we'd put him up?
    Khalid And his story didn't even hold together. I feel such an idiot.
    Nadia : And I'm sure we'll never get all our things back. They're so clever these criminals. What's the point of collecting beautiful things for other people to steal?
    Khalid : I only wish it were this time yesterday. Think how happy we were. Now this.
    Nadia : Things always go wrong.
    Khalid : Perhaps we ought to get dressed and have breakfast. We'd feel better.
    Nadia : I don't feel like breakfast. I don't fell like anything. Why are we so unlucky? It's as if there were a jinx on us.
    Khalid : Perhaps I'd better ring the police.....
    Nadia : Yes. Of course. But what good will it do? That man's miles away from here by now. In our car.
    Khalid : I've never seen such a mess.
    Nadia : All our precious possessions. I just don't care any more.
    Khalid : Yes, but we ought to do something.
    Nadia : When I think of it! That man!
    Khalid : If I could lay my hands on him!
    Nadia : I'd roast him over a slow fire. I'd.....

    Visitor : Good morning. You'd what? 

    Nadia You!
    Visitor What's the matter?
    Khalid : What are you doing here?
    Visitor : Good Good! What's happened?
    Khalid : What are you doing here?
    Visitor How do you mean? .....You've had a robbery.
    Khalid : That's right.
    Visitor : Oh, I see! And you thought I'd done it!