    This significant question was put by Pontius Pilate at the dawn of the Christian era. What is truth? At that time no answer was given. Let us attempt to answer this question for ourselves. Before we can from a right conception of what truth is let us consider briefly the opposite quality, falsehood. It would perhaps be an easier method. It seems a very simple matter to tell a lie or to act a lie, to cover up a fault. Yet lying is very hard work. There is a saying that liars must have good memories.'' He who tells one lie needs twenty others to support it.''
    But truth is very easy it alone continues. Truth alone can stand the severest of acid tests. It is the very essence of all moral virtues. There can be no society without it. Our courts of justice, our won self-control, courage and well doing all presuppose truth. All the greatest men and all the greatest nations have been noted for their strict conformity to the law relating to truth.
    We should endeavor to cultivate the habit of truthfulness from the earliest years. If we do this we will find that all our relations with the people we associate with or come in contact with will be on a secure basis and they will learn to respect and esteem us. As we go out into the world and enter upon our business careers we will realize that truthfulness is of the greatest importance to our well being happiness and success.
    How happy is he born and taught
    That seventh not another's will''
    Whose armour is his simple thought
    And simple truth his utmost skill.