Our School Library

    Our school library is one of the assets to our school. It is the treasure house of knowledge, past and present. It is so because the world’s mighty brains are represented there through their works. Just a glance would show that the names of great writers of the world are found side by side in the shelves of our library.

    Our library is a quiet spot in our school. It is housed in one of the wings of our school building. Gilded volumes decorate the glass chests. There are different shelves for different languages. Thus one finds books on English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali and so on. For each language, books are classified under different heads. Thus there are books on drama, prose, poetry, etc. There is also a number of reference books. The walls of the library are decorated with portraits of great writers.

    The library is very well equipped for comfortable reading. Cushion seats are provided for students to use during the day. One can take any book from the shelves, sit there and read undisturbed by anybody. So one can find a number of boys and girls there in the evenings reading books.

    Another attraction of our library is the reference room. A number of dailies, and magazines are regularly received. The illustrated magazines are the attractions for us, students.

    The library service is very efficient. There is an able librarian, who is also well read. One can have a free access to the shelves and pick up any book one likes. There are two index cabinets, one according to subjects and the other according to the authors. So one never finds it difficult to choose the right book.

    The library is very well utilized both by the students and the members of the staff. The students are well trained in silent reading. The library is a very useful place for self-study. When assignments are given by teachers, students make full use of the library to their advantage. Thus our library is a place for intellectual work in our school.
