Write a Letter to Your Younger Brother Advising Him to Take Part in Sports and Games
    25 May, 2015
    Dear Sultan,
    Your letter is just to hand. I am happy to hear that you have done well in the test examination and you are taking due preparation for the ensuing final examination. I hope you will do well in the examination. However, I would like to remind you of your health. You also know well that you are not physically so fit and you often suffer from difficult physical problems. To avoid these problems, you must take utmost care of your health.
    You also know well that you cannot lead a happy and peaceful life without good health. Even your studies may be seriously hampered because of your physical inability. In this case, I think physical exercise may help you a lot. So, I suggest you to take part regularly in some outdoor games that may help you improve your health. In fact, to struggle in life, a healthy life is inevitable. No more today.
    Yours ever,
    Sujon Ahmed