Write a Letter to Your Younger Brother Giving Some Hints to Learn English Properly
    25 May, 2015
    Dear Polash,
    I hope you are quite well by the grace of Allah. I have learnt that you have been trying for a long time to learn English. Today I am giving you some practical hints so that  you can learn English well. You are to learn the rules of grammar if you want to write English correctly. You have to memorize vocabulary if you want to enrich your stocks of words.
    On the other hand, if you do not practise speaking you will not be able to speak fluently. For this you have to choose a friend who will not find fault with you. You are to master the listening skill if you like to pronounce like an English. When you will learn all these four skills, you can hope to learn English well. Fluency is very essential because if you are fluent, it will help you to get a good job.
    Besides, you have to write a few pages everyday. If you want to develop your writing skill.  Last of all, you need to read English books, magazines, newspapers, etc. if you want to do better yourself more. If you cast your glance at the people who have learnt English, you will see that they have mastered all the above mentioned skills. Finally, you will have to be industrious if you desire to reach your goal regarding English.
    Yours ever,
    Sujon Ahmed