Early Rising

    Early rising is the practice of rising up from bed early in the morning. It is a good habit. It helps us in various ways. An early riser can have enough time to start his day's work. He can have finished a lot of works before others. Work done early in the morning is well done. One can enjoy the beauty of nature in the early morning. Nature smiles in the morning with colorful flowers, green leaves and the chirping of birds. This beauty reminds everybody of the creator.

    The habit of early rising is such a habit which contributes a lot to the smooth running of our life. An early riser usually wakes up early in the morning when the air is fresh and healthy. The environment around us is free from any kind of pollution. During this time one can inhale the fresh air with high oxygen level. Moreover, a light physical exercise taken in the morning breeze can assure us a healthy body and an energetic approach to our daily work. Thus an early riser can become healthier, wealthier and wiser than an ordinary person. On the other hand later risers cannot finish their work properly. They fail to do their work in time. They usually suffer from lack of confidence. This restrains them from being successful personalities.

    There is a saying that time and tide waits for none. In fact, only an early riser can make the best use of his time. So, people should build up the habit of early rising for a better life and a better future.
