common question

    Rule : How to handle a Q&A Session smartly?
    1. Keep your answers short : Q&A is a time for audience(শ্রোতাবৃন্দদর্শকবৃন্দ) input and participation. Short answers allow more people to participate(অংশগ্রহণ করা).

    2. Be prepared : It's good practice to write down questions you anticipate(আগে থেকেই ধারনা করা) may be asked, especially the tough or controversial(বিতর্কিত) ones, and to rehearse(চর্চা করা) your answers. I often run through a mock session with some trusted colleagues. They always come up with questions that I didn't expect. Encourage others to evaluate(মূল্যায়ন করা) your responses and body language. Fumble(এলোমেলো কথা বলা) in private so you shine in public.

    3. Be confident : Smile and look your questioners(প্রশ্নকারী) in the eye. The eye contact shows that you are focusing carefully on the question and the questioner. The smile is an invitation to friendship and connection.

    4. Repeat the question : This helps if you have a large audience or when your session is being taped.

    5. No questions? : Be sure allow some time to think—it may take a while. Also, you may “prime the pump” by asking your own question. Another option is to ask a colleague in advance to kick off questions.

    6. Too few questions : If you run out of questions before you run out of time, wrap up. Audiences rarely get mad when a speaker ends early.

    7. Argumentative or tangential questions(বিতর্কমূলক বা স্পর্শকতুল্য ) : Use deferral(মুলতুবিস্থগিতকরণ). Politely let the questioner know that you appreciate his or her point and can meet after the session to talk further. Then take the next question.

    8. Don’t know the answer? : Admit it. Volunteer to research the answer and get back to them. You may also ask if anyone in the audience knows the answer.

    9. Timing : Include Q&A time in the total time you have. Don’t let your Q&A run into someone else’s time.

    10. Don’t conclude with questions : After the last question, have a memorable close. This can be a well-delivered story, quotation(উদ্ধৃতি) or humorous(রসাত্মক) bit that reiterates(পুনরাবৃত্তি করা) your core message and wraps(মোড়ানো) things up on your own terms.

    11. Body Language : Of course, your body language needs to express self-confidence(আত্মবিশ্বাস). Remember to maintain your solid delivery style: a strong stance, excellent eye interaction, bold, descriptive gestures(অঙ্গভঙ্গি), use of vocal variety and pausing.
