Idioms and Phrase

    Idioms & Phrase In Bengali (বাংলায়) In English (ইংরেজিতে) Example (উদাহরণ)
    Bid fair সম্ভাবনা আছে বলে মনে হওয়া

    He bids fair to be a poet.

    Birds of the same feather সমচরিত্রের লোক

    Birds of the same feather flock together.

    Bag and baggage তল্পিতল্পাসহ

    Mamun left home bag and baggage.

    Blue blood আভিজাত্য

    She is proud of her blue blood.

    By far বহুদিক বিবেচনা করে

    He is by far the best man in the locality.

    By all means যে কোন প্রকারে

    I shall help you by all means.

    By no means কিছুতেই না

    You can help him by no means.

    By means of উপায়ে

    He will get the job by means of flattery.

    By turns পর্যায়ক্রমে

    Happiness and sorrow come by turns.

    By and by শীঘ্রই

    You will feel better by and by.

    Idioms & Phrase In Bengali (বাংলায়) In English (ইংরেজিতে) Example (উদাহরণ)