Idioms and Phrase

    Idioms & Phrase In Bengali (বাংলায়) In English (ইংরেজিতে) Example (উদাহরণ)
    By the by কথা প্রসঙ্গে

    He told me about you by the by.

    By chance হঠাৎ

    They did not play well but won the game by chance.

    By dint of সাহায্যে / বলে

    He stood first by dint of hard work.

    By virtue of সাহায্যে

    You can succeed by virtue of industry.

    By rote মুখস্থ করে

    He passes exam only by rote.

    By way of স্বরুপ

    He told the story by way of an example.

    By fits and starts অস্থায়ী উদ্যমে

    He reads by fits and starts.

    Idioms & Phrase In Bengali (বাংলায়) In English (ইংরেজিতে) Example (উদাহরণ)