Idioms and Phrase

    Idioms & Phrase In Bengali (বাংলায়) In English (ইংরেজিতে) Example (উদাহরণ)
    Ablaze আগুন লাগান to set on fire

    After a quarrel with his beloved wife he set ablaze all his certificates.

    Absolve - Absolve of মাফ করে দেওয়া, মুক্ত করে দেওয়া to discharge, to pardon, to set free

    The supreme court absolved the accused(?????) of all charges against him.

    Abound - Abound with পরিপূর্ণ করা to fulfill with

    Sundorbons abound with various dangerous wild animals.

    Abstain - Abstain from বিরত থাকা remain from

    He abstained from smoking after his illness.

    Bring to account কৈফিয়ত দিতে বাধ্য করানো Compel to explain

    This criminal must be brought to account.

    By all accounts সমস্ত লোকের মতে in the opinion of most people

    By all accounts Munir is the best employee in this year.

    On no account কোন কারনেই নয় not for any reason

    On no account you should love her.

    Take into account কোন কিছু বিবেচনা করা take account of

    We must take his sickness into account when evaluating his work.

    Ace - Within an ace of চুল পরিমান ব্যবধানে, খুব কাছাকাছি very near to

    Ovi was within an ace of success.

    A bed of roses সুখশয্যা / পুষ্পশয্যা feel highly relaxed.

    Life is not a bed of roses.

    Idioms & Phrase In Bengali (বাংলায়) In English (ইংরেজিতে) Example (উদাহরণ)