Application for Loan Clearance Certificate


    The Manager
    Barclays Bank, Canada.

    Subject: Application for Loan Clearance Certificate

    Respected Sir,

    It is stated that I am James Kin holding account number: 88007 in your bank since three years. I took loan from bank for my personal use of US $5,000. Tenure of 3 years was given to me and I agreed all the terms and conditions. Till now, 1 year is over and I have paid US $2,000, but I cannot afford the installment system, which I was paying to bank. Thus, I decided to pay the lump sum cash of US $3,000 all at once. I have deposited the mentioned amount on 8th January, 2015 and it is requested that kindly, issue me Loan Clearance Certificate as it will be of my use in future. I hope that you will consider my request as soon as possible.

    Thanking you in anticipation.


    James Kin.
