
    51. I was already late getting home . I took a quick glance at my cell phone , as it read almost twelve thirty at night . “ No change of getting any rickshaw here now . “ SO I Doubled my speed and took a shortcut which could have reduced the distance from almost 20 blocks to15 blocks or so . It was enough tough to reach home as quickly as possible . But the problem was , the night was dark as peach . To make it worse , there was no electricity as well . However , I tried to manage myself scurrying along the street . As I was turning on aisle , To men descended out of the darkness . Without wasting any time they came forward , grabbed my hands so that I couldn’t get loose and demanded what I had ……………


    52. Shima is going to sit for the up-coming HSC examination. That’s why she is working very hard. However, her concentration on studies is often shattered by the anxiety of her conservative parents. They have become anxious regarding the marriage of their teenaged daughter. They think that investing money for the education of their daughter is a sheer waste.


    53. Once there was a cowboy. He used to graze cow in the field. There was a forest beside the field. There lived tigers in the forest. The boy was very naughty.


    54. Shaikh Sadi was a great poet. He used to put on simple dress. Once he took shelter in the house of a nobleman. The nobleman could not recognize him and treated him as an ordinary man.


    55. Once young Bayezid Bostami was reading beside his ailing mother at night. Suddenly, his mother wanted some water to drink


    56. One day an Ant went to the bank of a river. It was very thirsty at that time and to quench its thirst..........................................


    57. Long, long ago there lived a lion in a jungle. He was very proud and fond of boasting about his strength. He looked down upon all the other beasts living in the same jungle. He also tortured them as and when he liked. One day all the other animals held a secret mitting with a master fox on the chair. To punish the autocratic lion they found a way out and a rabbit was interested with materializing the plan............................................


    58. Once there was a King in an ancient kingdom. He was very fund of eating fatty items of food every day. One day it so happened that he fell seriously ill for taking rich food and could not attend his court...........................


    59. Once a according wanted her ten children to be educated. So she went to a fox and asked him to educate her children. The fox willingly agreed to......


    60. Once upon a time there was a king who was very fond of knowing his future from astrologer. A good astrologer happened to stop at his capital on his away to Benares.
