Write an application to the Headmaster to change section
    October 10, 2018
    The Headmaster
    Englishfor2day Online School.
    Subject: Application to change section.
    I beg most respectfully to state that I am a student of section Ka of class ten and my roll no is 10. I want to change my section from Ka to Kha because two friends of mine are in section Kha. We live in the same place and one of them is my next door neighbor. We come to school and go home together after school everyday. I am a poor student and cannot afford to buy a few of my text books. If I am allowed this change of section, this will help me a lot. I can borrow these books for my friend or work with the books in the class. That way, I am sure, I can do better in my class work and exams.
    I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly grant my prayer and thus oblige thereby.
    Your most obediently pupil -
    Sujon Ahmed
    Class - 10
    Roll - 01
    Englishfor2day Online School.