A dialogue between a boy and company chairman about job interview
    Boy  : Good afternoon, sir.
    Chairman : Good afternoon, Take your seat, please.
    Boy  : Thank you, sir.
    Chairman : You are an M.A. in Economics---aren't you? But why did you choose Economics?
    Boy  : It's a modern subject and the world can't do without it. Consequently, It's a key to several golden opportune ties in life. Here's one I have applied for.
    Chairman : Do you play indoor games?
    Boy  : No, sir.
    Chairman : Why? Why not?
    Boy  : Well indoor games make you passive. Moreover they don't suit those who have got to sit at the desk for hours.
    Chairman : All right. Where are you staying here?
    Boy  : I'm staying in a hotel, sir.
    Chairman : How have you come here?
    Boy  : I have come by taxi.
    Chairman : What was the taxi number?
    Boy  : It was LX3645.
    Chairman : Why did you note down the taxi number.
    Boy  : It's very helpful t times. It might be required.
    Chairman : Yes, good, you may go now.