A dialogue between two people who have not met for a long time

    Sujon : Well, hello there, Salim! Wow it is a long-time no see! It is great to see you again.

    Salim : Sujon! Hello! What a coincidence! I have not seen you in ages! It is great to see you. What are you doing in Manchester? Are you just visiting?

    Sujon : I just got a new job in Manchester in finance, so I am shopping for some new clothes. Hey, what do you think of this shirt? 

    Salim : Hmmmm... well, you remember how much I love black. See? I have got the same shirt as you!

    Sujon : You have always had great taste in clothes! Well this is a small world.

    Salim : We must keep in touch. You still have my mobile number?

    Sujon : No. I lost my phone here is my new number.

    Salim : OK. I will save your number.

    Sujon : I have got to go back to work, give us a ring so we can arrange dinner sometime.

    Salim : For sure, take care bye. 
