
    Electricity is the driving force of modern civilization. The production of mills and factories depends on continuous supply of power. But now-a-days load-shedding has become a common affair in our daily life. It means the discontinuation of electricity supply on certain lines. It occurs when the generation of power is less than the demand.

    Load-shedding has become a regular affair in our country now-a-days. It creates various serious problems. Mills and factories become standstill, industrial production declines, workers become workless. As a result, our economy is affected seriously. It also creates serious problems in domestic life. Fresh food preserved in refrigerator gets rotten. The housewife plunges in the darkness in the kitchen, shops have to close down. It disturbs the study of the students. They cannot take preparation for the exam as frequent load shedding occurs at night. They suffer terribly on the nights before their examination. During summer, load shedding causes intolerable torture on the people. In short, the entire life, domestic and industrial, comes to a standstill due to load shedding.

    There are different causes of load-shedding. Among them less production of electricity, misuse of electricity, and illegal connection are noteworthy. Proper steps should be taken to stop load shedding for the greater interest of the nation. Illegal connection and misuse of electricity should be stopped. System loss should be reduced too.Moreover, the government should set up more power plants to solve this problem. We also have to be more conscious about the misuse of electricity as we want to get rid of the curse of load-shedding at any cost.
