There lived a shepherd in a certain village. He used to graze a flock of sheep near a forest. It was not very far from his village. Besides his usual duty, he sang and played on flute. But the boy had a bad habit. He used to tell a lie

    TITLE: Punishment of a Liar

    There lived a shepherd in a certain village. He used to graze a flock of sheep near a forest. It was not very far from his village. Besides his usual duty, he sang and played on flute. But the boy had a bad habit. He used to tell a lie. He made a fun with villagers shouting “Wolf! Help!” The villagers would think that the young shepherd boy might be in danger. The villagers rushed to save the shepherd boy with sticks. Spears and tools. But they would find no wolf. Seeing the villagers, the shepherd laughed at them. The villagers would become annoyed and return to their works. The liar shepherd made the same fun fur and between. The villagers would come forward to protect the boy and return home being annoyed.

    But one day a wolf really came. The shepherd shouted to hiss highest voice. The village people heard his shouting but did not stretch there helping hand. They did not come to rescue the shepherd. The wolf killed all his sheep. The boy cried loudly and asked for help. But nobody advanced. The wolf also killed the shepherd. The poor unfortunate shepherd lost his life for telling lies.

    So, it is told that telling lie is the root of all misdeeds. Its ruins the place and happiness in the society as well as in the country consequently. It kills the liar.      
