Write an application to the Headmaster for changing school hours or for morning school.
    22 June, 2018
    The Principal
    Englishfor2day Online School and College.
    Subject: Prayer for holding morning school. 
    We, the students of your school, beg most respectfully to state that the summer season has already set in and there is no rain for a long time. Due to excessive heat of the sun, it has become very difficult for us to continue our works in the class room at noon. Moreover, the students coming from a long distance face a lot of troubles in the glaring sun. So, it will surely be convenient to all of us if the classes are held in the morning. 
    We would therefore, feel much obliged if you are gracious enough to hold classes in the morning from tomorrow until there is an appreciable change in weather. 
    We remain -
    Your most obedient pupils
    The students of 
    Englishfor2day Online School and College.