The Dangers Of Taking Intoxicants Or, The Dangers Of Drug Addiction
    Introduction: the dangers of taking intoxicants or the danger of drug addiction in Bangladesh is gradually increasing. Intoxicants are some of the belong to this group generally increasing. Intoxicants are some of the things or drugs that elate a man beyond self-control. The drugs that belong to this group are generally used in a measured way to cause sleep or relive pain. But now-a-days some deceived, deprived or frustrated persons are addicted to these intoxicating thing or drugs.
    Main intoxicants taken in our country: the main intoxicants taken in our country are wine, opium, hemp, heroin, morphine, etc. win opium and hemp are forbidden in our society. Heroin and morphine are restricted drugs. Heroin is a very costly drug. It is very dangerous too. In these days this costly and dangerous drug is being smuggled in large scale and has created and alarming situation.
    Dangers of taking the intoxicants: the man who takes intoxicants is elated or excited for a moment. He may be in a dreamland for a short time while in an abnormal condition. While he is in an abnormal condition many bad and unsocial works enchant him. But he immediate ill-effects of taking intoxicants harm the stomach, liver and brain calls of the persons who are addicted to them. The intoxicants, in a slow but steady way, crush the addicts.
    Causes of addiction: taking of intoxicants is a bad habit. This habit is formed through bad association. Frustration is another cause of this addiction. Defeat in the struggle of life and unemployment problem create frustration among our young people. In order to forget the burden of life they start taking intoxicants and form this bad habit.
    Measures for checking drug addiction: the intoxicating drugs must not be sold in the open market. These drugs should be under the direct control of the doctors who will use them if and when they are necessary. Effective measures should be taken to solve the unemployment problem of the country. Bad association should be avoided. Parents and guardians should give more and special attention to the activities of their words. If all these things are done the problem will be solved.
    Conclusion: drug addiction is a burning question of the day. It has created a serious personal and national problem of the worst possible kind. We all should try to get rid of it.